Le 2 décembre 1782, Charles de REGGIO (1754-1811) épousa Constance OLIVIER de VEZIN (1759-1801) à la Nelle.-Orléans en Louisiane.
Les parents du marié sont le chevalier François Marie de Reggio (1732-1787) et Jeanne Hélène de Fleuriau (1734- ), fille du Procureur général du Conseil supérieur de la Louisiane, arrivé à ce poste en 1723, l'écuyer François Fleuriau (+1752). Précisons ici que François Fleuriau est présenté comme un parent du
marquis Joseph-Baptiste FLEURIAU d'ARNEMONVILLE et comme le fils d'un
procureur à Rennes dans un rapport envoyé à Paris par le gouverneur La
Chaise en 1723, précisément le 18 octobre. Notons que depuis peu, le 16
Aout de la même année, son ministre de tutelle n'est autre que le comte
de Morville, le fils de d'Armenonville. Ils cousinent donc par leurs
origines dans l'ouest, à Tours, berceau des Fleuriau. Ils ne sont pas, selon mon avis, de
la même fratrie comme des sites de généalogie le laissent entendre... De plus, les archives montrent que le traitement que reçoit Fleuriau ne peut être celui du fils d'un garde des sceaux du Royaume.
Les parents de la mariée sont Pierre François Olivier de Vezin et Marie Josèphe GATINEAU du PLESSIS.
La tante du marié, Perrine Pélagie de Fleuriau avait épousé le 5 juin 1747, le camarade de son père alors qu'il était capitaine dans l'infanterie de marine, Pierre Henry d'ERNEVILLE, chevalier de l'ordre de St. Louis, et ancien enseigne de marine lorsqu'ils servaient tous les deux sous les ordres, notamment, des gouverneurs Le Moyne de Bienville et le chevalier de Kerélec. Le neveu du marié et fils du précédent, Pierre-Louis d'Erneville (1752-1805) deviendra lieutenant-colonel du Régiment de Louisiane et servit sous les ordres du Gouverneur Galvez.
L'oncle du marié enfin, Charles Jean-Baptiste était lieutenant d'une compagnie de marine. Il avait épousé Jeanne VILLARS DUBREUIL.
La mariée est la marraine de Constance Charlotte de Reggio (et le parrain est Antoine d'Hauterive, capitaine dans l'infanterie, probablement celle de la marine comme son père).
La mariée est la marraine de Constance Charlotte de Reggio (et le parrain est Antoine d'Hauterive, capitaine dans l'infanterie, probablement celle de la marine comme son père).
Antoine Philippe de Marigny de Mandeville a fait carrière aux Amériques.
Il fut le beau-père de Hughes Olivier de Vezin dont la sœur Constance, née en 1759, a épousé Charles de Reggio en deuxième noce en 1782, alors que sa sœur Judith a épousé Louis-Charles de Reggio en 1789. Il s'agit de deux frères, fils de François de Reggio. Tous habitent la Nouvelle-Orléans. Le père d'Hughes et Constance était Pierre-François Olivier de Vezin
(1707-1786) et leur mère était Marie-Josèphe Gatineau du Plessis
(1720-1772); Elle était la fille d'un lieutenant de la milice à
Trois-Rivières et sa mère était née Crevier, d'une famille originaire de Rouen en France où ils étaient boulanger de père en fils (remontant à Nicolas (1581-1624)). Lui, vient de France où son père avait épousé une Leroux de Dinjolincourt. Olivier de Vézin sera un jeune maître de forges
originaire de la Champagne. Il n'a que 28 ans lorsque le ministre de la
l'envoie comme expert pour juger si l'expérience de Francheville à
Saint-Maurice à Trois-Rivières mérite
d'être poursuivie . Vézin assure que le projet est viable à condition
d'utiliser un autre procédé de réduction du minerai de
fer. C'est à lui qu'on confie la mise en chantier d'un « établissement
de forges complet ».
À une époque où elle est presque toujours en guerre, la
France a grand besoin de l'industrie sidérurgique. Ainsi, les Forges
sont établies principalement dans le but de fournir des fers de marine
pour la construction navale royale.Surmontant de nombreux problèmes
techniques de Vézin réussit
le 20 août 1738 l'allumage du haut fourneau. L'année suivante,
l'ajout d'une seconde forge complète les ateliers qu'il aura mis 3 ans à
et qui dureront près de 150 ans. Il se maria en 1747 à trois-rivières et fait inscrire dans son acte de mariage qu'il est 'le premier enoyé par le Roi en ce pais pour y establir les forges et fourneaux de st. Maurice dont il est le premier directeur". Il y fit cependant faillite (désaccord avec ses partenaires) et rentra en France pour s'en expliquer. Il souhaitait y retourner mais fut envoyé en Louisiane pour y prendre en charge les travaux des routes.
Rédaction en cours...
Concernant François-Marie de Reggio, je trouve un texte dont je mets en doute, dans l'immédiat le contenu. Il s'agit du texte suivant réuni par (From material compiled by) Mme. Edwin A. (Jo C.) Smith, Jr. of Baton Rouge, Louisiana :
Pierre-Francois Olivier de Vezin (1707-1776) fait l'objet d'une biographie in Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online. Le texte est le suivant :
"OLIVIER DE VÉZIN (Vésin, Vézain), PIERRE-FRANÇOIS, ironmaster, director of the Saint-Maurice ironworks, and chief road officer in Louisiana; b. 28 April 1707 at Aingoulaincourt (dept of Haute-Marne), France, son of Hugues Olivier and Louise Le Roux; d. in or after 1776.
Pierre-François Olivier de Vézin was an ironmaster at Sionne (dept of Vosges), France, at the time he was hired by the king to investigate the Saint-Maurice ironworks in New France. These ironworks had virtually been abandoned after the death of their first owner, François Poulin* de Francheville, in 1733. With an annual salary of 2,400 livres and a special gratuity of 1,200 livres, Olivier de Vézin sailed on the Héros and reached Quebec on 3 Sept. 1735. After a five-week tour with Jean-Eustache Lanoullier* de Boisclerc to Batiscan, Champlain, and finally Saint-Maurice, he drew up a report to Maurepas, the minister of Marine, which included an assessment of the favourable and disadvantageous aspects of Poulin de Francheville’s establishment, and he appended a “draft of the expenses to be incurred to set up and run the ironworks in Canada” [see François-Étienne Cugnet*]. He offered to oversee the undertaking himself, quite forgetting his ironworks at Sionne.
Vézin and two of Poulin de Francheville’s former partners, Cugnet and Ignace GAMELIN, drew up a plan for a partnership. In the spring of 1736 they received backing from the king, who agreed to Vézin’s proposal and consented to advance substantial capital. When the company was formed on 16 Oct. 1736, it also included Thomas-Jacques Taschereau*, the agent of the treasurers general of the Marine, and Jacques Simonet* d’Abergemont, an ironmaster sent from France some months earlier to help Vézin set up the ironworks. They all signed the official instrument establishing the “Société et Compagnie pour l’ Exploitation des . . . mines de fer” on 11 Feb. 1737, but preparatory work had already been undertaken in 1736 under Vézin’s enthusiastic direction. He enjoyed the confidence of colonial officials and had the benefit of royal bounties. However the works did not progress as quickly as he had promised and were costly. Intendant HOCQUART began to question the ironmaster’s competence. Vézin had in fact been guilty of a technical error in overestimating the flow of the stream that was to run the ironworks, and he tried to conceal his error when the intendant came to visit the installations in July 1738. Not until August was the furnace first lit successfully.
Vézin went to France late in 1739 and returned the following year with his brother, the Sieur Darmeville, and several workmen. Simonet d’Abergemont had replaced him during his absence. Violent disputes now occurred between Olivier de Vézin and his partners who blamed him for spending too much money, for the workmen’s bad behaviour, and for the ironworks’ unprofitability. These difficulties became so serious that in 1741 bankruptcy became inevitable for the undertaking. Olivier de Vézin submitted his resignation on 13 October and immediately returned to France on the Rubis to plead his cause. Writing to the king on 13 March 1742, he offered to resume management of the Saint-Maurice ironworks. Instead, he was commissioned chief road officer in Louisiana the following year.
The reports drawn up by the interested parties after the bankruptcy of the ironworks all blame Olivier de Vézin. When he had been chosen to go to New France, Maurepas had stated that his qualities as an ironmaster were well known, but they were in fact frequently questioned by his partners. It is undeniable that there were other causes for the bankruptcy; the difficulty in finding really competent skilled workers and the workers’ lack of discipline are two of the factors that prevent our blaming Vézin alone. Subsequent managements achieved only modest results which indicate that Olivier de Vézin’s management was not the sole reason for the poor performance of the ironworks.
However that may be, in 1744 Olivier de Vézin was in Louisiana. His new duties as chief road officer did not satisfy him completely; he soon made clear his desire to undertake the exploitation of iron mines in Louisiana, but the project was stillborn. He continued to carry out the duties of chief road officer and of surveyor general for Louisiana, and in 1749 he was back in Trois-Rivières, where on 14 June he married Marie-Joseph, the daughter of Jean-Baptiste Gastineau* Duplessis. Vézin had obviously not forgotten his earlier ties with America: in his marriage certificate he indicated that he was “the first person sent by the king to this country to set up there the ironworks and furnace of Saint-Maurice, of which he was the first director.” Vézin returned to Louisiana with his young wife, and on 4 July 1754 he received permission to sail for France on the Rhinocéros to try to persuade the king to exonerate him from responsibility in the bankruptcy of the Saint-Maurice ironworks, in which he had “lost his time, his emoluments, his youth, and his salary.” He wanted the assurance of being freed of all debt.
Olivier de Vézin remained in Louisiana even after the colony was transferred to Spain in 1762. After a score of years in that colony, where he held important administrative posts, he must have acquired a certain renown as well as gratifying material rewards. He became a member of the Cabildo, the council of six members that replaced the Conseil Supérieur of the former French colony, when it was created in 1769, and served as regidor perpetual (councillor) and alcalde mayor provincial (chief provincial justice of the peace). In 1776 he resigned his positions in favour of one of his sons, Charles-Honoré Olivier de Saint-Maurice. This is the last piece of information we have on Pierre Olivier de Vézin. According to some sources he is supposed to have died while on a voyage in France.
His wife must have died some years before him. During the 1760s two sons, Pierre-Darmeville and Nicolas-Joseph-Godefroy, lived for a time at Trois-Rivières with their aunt, Madeleine Duplessis. On her death in 1768 she left a legacy to them and other children of Olivier de Vézin. In January 1770 Vézin was chosen guardian of those of his children who had remained in Canada. That year he went to Trois-Rivières for the last time; he was present at the marriage of his friend Michel-Eustache-Gaspard-Alain Chartier* de Lotbinière. In 1772 and 1773 Jacques PERRAULT, known as Perrault l’aîné, took care on his behalf of the sale of property left by Madeleine Duplessis. From that time on the Olivier family was firmly established in Louisiana. Nicolas-Joseph-Godefroy purchased a huge sugar-cane plantation at St Bernard, not far from New Orleans, and several of his descendants were prominent in the area."
M.-F. FORTIER AD, Haute-Marne (Chaumont), État civil, Aingoulaincourt, 29 avril 1707. AN, Col., B, 62, p.56; 63/1, pp.237–39; C11A, 63, pp.45, 58; 65, pp.154–57; 72, p.29; 76, pp.68–69; 100, pp.207–10; 110; 111; 112; C13A, 38, pp.8–11; 42, pp.81–82; C13C, 4, pp.238–39 (PAC transcripts). ANQ-MBF, État civil, Catholiques, Immaculée-Conception (Trois-Rivières), 14 juin 1749, 13 déc. 1770; Greffe de Paul Dielle, 4, 28 nov. 1768, 3 avril 1772, 6 mars 1773; Greffe de C.-L. Maillet, 3 avril, 5 nov. 1772, 6 mars 1733; Greffe de H.-O. Pressé, 28 sept. 1737. Archives maritimes, Port de Rochefort (France), 1E, 122, f.334; S, 162, liasse 131, pièce 225. New Orleans Public Library, Dept. of Archives, Cabildo, 1769–1803, I, pp.3, 139–43, 242.
J.-N. Fauteux, Essai sur l’industrie, I, 55–124. Jouve, Les franciscains et le Canada: aux Trois-Rivières. J. S. Kendall, History of New Orleans (3v., New York and Chicago, 1922), III, 1069–70. E. E. Long, Madame Olivier’s mansion (New Orleans, 1965), 11–18. Sulte, Mélanges historiques (Malchelosse), VI. Tessier, Les forges Saint-Maurice.
Son père était René Olivier? Voici, sa descendance, selon des généalogistes américains :
...... 2 Hughes OLIVIER-DEVEZIN
.......... +Louise LeRoux DE DINJOLINCOUR d: 1747
............... 3 Pierre Francois OLIVIER b: 1716 in Nancy, France d: April 20, 1776 in New Orleans, LA
................... +Marie Josephine Gatineau DUPLESSIS b: September 04, 1720 in Montreal d: December 07, 1772 in New Orleans, LA m: June 14, 1749 in Trois Rivieres, Canada Father: Jean-Baptiste Gatineau Duplessis Mother: Marie-Charlotte LeBoulanger
....................... 4 Hughes Charles Honore OLIVIER-DEVEZIN b: 1748 in St. Maurice, Trois Rivieres, Canada d: April 24, 1815 in Plantation in Teche Country
........................... +Marie Madeleine Phillipe Marigny DE MANDEVILLE Father: Antoine Pierre Phillipe de Marigny Mother: Francoise de Lisle Dupart
................................ 5 Pierre Louis Du Closel OLIVIER-DEVEZIN
.................................... +Marie Joseph LATIOLAIS Father: Joseph Latiolais Mother: Francoise Nezat
................................ *2nd Wife of Pierre Louis Du Closel OLIVIER-DEVEZIN:
.................................... +Jeanne Aspasie Devince BIENVENU b: November 20, 1783 d: November 28, 1819 m: March 02, 1802 Father: Alexandre DeVince Bienvenu Mother: Felicite Louise Henriette DeLatil
................................ 5 Adelaide OLIVIER-DEVEZIN
.................................... +Louis Marie Cesaire DEBLANC b: September 17, 1779 Father: Louis Charles DeBlanc Mother: Elizabeth Pouponne D'Erneville
................................ 5 Charles Bathelemy OLIVIER-DEVEZIN b: Bet. 1777 - 1778
.................................... +Wilhelmina PERRAULT
................................ *2nd Wife of Charles Bathelemy OLIVIER-DEVEZIN:
.................................... +Celeste Mathilde DEBLANC b: 1783 d: September 10, 1811 m: March 1798 in St. Martinville Father: Louis Charles DeBlanc Mother: Elizabeth Pouponne D'Erneville
........................................ 6 Marie Elina OLIVIER-DEVEZIN d: April 13, 1896
............................................ +Marcel Joseph DUCROS b: October 30, 1800 d: May 09, 1883 Father: Rudolphe Joseph Ducros Mother: Marie Lucie De Reggio
....................... 4 Charlotte Constance OLIVIER-DEVEZIN b: 1750 in New Orleans, LA d: August 11, 1801 in New Orleans, LA
........................... +Daniel FAGOT-DELAGARCIENERE b: 1731 in Voiron in Dauphine, Diocese of Grenoble d: April 07, 1776 in St. Bernard Parish, LA m: August 04, 1766 in New Orleans, LA Father: Francois Fagot Mother: Francoise LeMoine
................................ 5 Pierre Francois FAGOT-DELAGARCIENERE b: August 10, 1767
................................ 5 Charles Daniel FAGOT-DELAGARCIENERE b: May 27, 1769 in New Orleans, LA
.................................... +Adelaide BERARD b: December 11, 1770 in Attakapas d: January 13, 1807 in St. Martinville, LA m: September 06, 1792 in St. Martinville, LA Father: Jean Baptiste Berard Mother: Anne Henriette Broussard
........................................ 6 Aglae FAGOT-DELAGARCIENERE
............................................ +M RAPP
........................................ 6 Rosemon FAGOT-DELAGARCIENERE
............................................ +Elizabeth ALPUENTE
........................................ 6 Twelve FAGOT-DELAGARCIENERE
........................................ 6 Charles FAGOT-DELAGARCIENERE b: August 30, 1793 in Attakapas at Isle des Cypres d: August 13, 1872 in New Iberia, LA
............................................ +Charlotte Virginie BIENVENU Father: Alexandre DeVince Bienvenue II Mother: Charlotte Uranie de la Barre
........................................ 6 Gofrido FAGOT-DELAGARCIENERE b: September 12, 1796
........................................ 6 Charlotte Constance FAGOT-DELAGARCIENERE b: April 04, 1802 in Attakapas region, LA d: 1836
............................................ +Pedro Antonio Evaristo MARIN b: October 26, 1800 in New Orleans, LA d: May 11, 1850 in France m: May 27, 1824 in St. Bernard Church, LA Father: Pedro Marin-DeArgote Mother: Pelagie Petrone Sophie De Reggio
........................................ 6 Louise Azema FAGOT-DELAGARCIENIERE b: Abt. 1804
............................................ +Alexandre Mathurin REAUD b: Bet. 1730 - 1750 in Bordeaux, France m: Aft. 1786 Father: Jean Baptiste Reaud Mother: Isabella Cleon
........................................ 6 Daniel FAGOT-DELAGARCIENERE b: October 22, 1805
................................ *2nd Wife of Charles Daniel FAGOT-DELAGARCIENERE:
.................................... +Maria Rosa LAURENT m: March 19, 1808
................................ *3rd Wife of Charles Daniel FAGOT-DELAGARCIENERE:
.................................... +Norma CUVILLIER m: 1809
........................................ 6 12 FAGOT-DELAGARCIENERE
........................................ 6 Anatole FAGOT-DELAGARCIENERE
........................................ 6 Derneville FAGOT-DELAGARCIENERE
........................................ 6 Ernest FAGOT-DELAGARCIENERE
........................................ 6 Rosine FAGOT-DELAGARCIENERE
............................................ +Charles SEUZENEAU
........................................ 6 Theodule FAGOT-DELAGARCIENERE
............................................ +Annette Marin du Gardin de ST. ALEXANDRE
........................................ 6 Auguste FAGOT-DELAGARCIENERE b: January 12, 1809
............................................ +Severine CAZZEAU
........................................ 6 Marie Victoire FAGOT-DELAGARCIENERE b: January 17, 1811
................................ 5 Pierre Vincent FAGOT-DELAGARCIENERE b: May 02, 1771
................................ 5 Marie Louise Constance FAGOT-DELAGARCIENERE b: October 02, 1774
....................... *2nd Husband of Charlotte Constance OLIVIER-DEVEZIN:
........................... +Charles Antoine DE REGGIO b: 1754 d: May 29, 1811 m: December 02, 1782 Father: Francois Marie Chevalier De Reggio Mother: Heleine Fleurieau
................................ 5 Louis Joseph Nicolas DE REGGIO b: February 04 in New Orleans, LA d: May 17, 1833
.................................... +Charlotte Constance Helene JORDA d: May 22, 1833
........................................ 6 [2] Jacques Auguste Charles DE REGGIO b: April 27, 1815 d: 1889
............................................ +[1] Mathilde OLIVIER-DEVEZIN b: Abt. 1820 Father: Charles Napoleon Olivier-DeVezin Mother: Mina Peyroux
........................................ 6 Charles Octave DE REGGIO b: September 27, 1826
............................................ +Cora VILLERE
................................ 5 Pierre Charles DE REGGIO b: August 21, 1783 in New Orleans, LA d: August 20, 1826
................................ 5 Marie Angela Constance DE REGGIO b: January 13, 1784
................................ 5 Rudolphe Euzebe DE REGGIO b: July 05, 1785
................................ 5 Joseph Marie Amedee DE REGGIO b: August 03, 1787 d: July 15, 1830
................................ 5 Marie-Charlotte Antonia DE REGGIO b: January 17, 1789
.................................... +Jean Pierre POUTZ m: September 04, 1810
................................ 5 Auguste Patrick David DE REGGIO b: Abt. 1792 d: July 30, 1811 in @ 19
....................... 4 Charles Frederic OLIVIER-DEVEZIN b: September 06, 1752
........................... +Maria Francisca La Mollere D'ORVILLE m: February 14, 1777
................................ 5 Carlos Francisco OLIVIER-DEVEZIN b: March 16, 1778
................................ 5 Maria Francisca Constancia OLIVIER-DEVEZIN b: November 19, 1779
................................ 5 Maria Carlota Constancia OLIVIER-DEVEZIN b: June 26, 1781
....................... 4 Pierre Louis OLIVIER-DEVEZIN b: October 18, 1753 in New Orleans, LA d: May 09, 1805
....................... 4 Avicent Adelaide OLIVIER-DEVEZIN b: February 20, 1755
........................... +Etienne de la Lande DALCOUR II m: September 15, 1770 Father: Etienne de la Lande d'Alcour Mother: Marie Joseph Trudeau
................................ 5 Amoinette Marie de la Lande DALCOUR
.................................... +Edouard Marie DUCROS b: March 28, 1787 in New Orleans, LA d: May 24, 1833 m: June 12, 1806 Father: Rudolphe Joseph Ducros Mother: Marie Lucie De Reggio
........................................ 6 Ameinette Marguerite DUCROS b: March 23, 1807
........................................ 6 Elise Adelaide Lucie DUCROS b: May 01, 1808
............................................ +John WATKINS m: December 20, 1830
........................................ 6 Adelaide Antonia DUCROS b: August 31, 1815 in St. Bernard Parish, LA
............................................ +Edmond WILTZ
........................................ 6 Charlotte Marie Sophie DUCROS b: January 02, 1818
............................................ +Gabriel Antoine Jules DOSSAT m: April 03, 1837
....................... 4 Nicolas Joseph Godfroi OLIVIER-DEVEZIN b: May 27, 1757 in New Orleans, LA d: July 18, 1815
........................... +Eulalia TOUTANT-BEAUREGARD b: May 11, 1761 m: December 03, 1782 Father: Jacques Toutant-Beauregard Mother: Marie Magdalene Cartier
................................ 5 Charles Napoleon OLIVIER-DEVEZIN b: December 09, 1782
.................................... +Mina PEYROUX
........................................ 6 [1] Mathilde OLIVIER-DEVEZIN b: Abt. 1820
............................................ +[2] Jacques Auguste Charles DE REGGIO b: April 27, 1815 d: 1889 Father: Louis Joseph Nicolas De Reggio Mother: Charlotte Constance Helene Jorda
................................ *2nd Wife of Charles Napoleon OLIVIER-DEVEZIN:
.................................... +Felicia CRETIEN
........................................ 6 Amelia OLIVIER-DEVEZIN
............................................ +[11] Pierre Clement Mortimer BELLY Father: Jean Belly Mother: Estelle Adelaide Allard
................................ 5 Marie Henriette OLIVIER-DEVEZIN b: July 06, 1784
................................ 5 Vincent OLIVIER-DEVEZIN b: July 03, 1786
....................... *2nd Wife of Nicolas Joseph Godfroi OLIVIER-DEVEZIN:
........................... +Marie Anne BIENVENU b: August 29, 1772 d: February 02, 1843 m: 1789 Father: Jean Baptiste Bienvenu Mother: Helene Angilique de Bellet
................................ 5 [6] Helene Anastasie OLIVIER-DEVEZIN b: December 24, 1790 d: June 14, 1871
.................................... +[5] Augustin DE REGGIO b: 1791 d: Abt. 1834 m: 1815 Father: Louis Charles De Reggio Mother: Louise Judith Olivier-DeVezin
........................................ 6 [4] Jules DE REGGIO
............................................ +[3] Josephine Ezilda REAUD b: February 06, 1822 Father: Pierre Isidor Reaud Mother: Louise Henriette Olivier-DeVezin
........................................ 6 [7] Marianne Adelaide DE REGGIO b: July 27, 1816 in St. Bernard d: 1891
............................................ +[8] Augustin Frejus TOUTANT-BEAUREGARD b: August 08, 1815 d: 1881 m: 1834 Father: Jacques Elie Toutant-Beauregard Mother: Marie Judith Helene Antonio De Reggio
........................................ 6 [9] Louis Octave DE REGGIO b: March 1821
............................................ +[10] Victoria Antonia DUCROS Father: Louis Alfred Ducros Mother: Micaela Josephine deArmas
................................ 5 Eulalie OLIVIER-DEVEZIN b: June 08, 1793 d: March 05, 1802
................................ 5 Jean Baptiste OLIVIER-DEVEZIN b: June 22, 1795 d: 1869
.................................... +Alix DUVERGE b: 1803 d: 1880 Father: Barthelemi DuVerge Mother: Alix Bienvenu
................................ 5 Elmire OLIVIER-DEVEZIN b: September 24, 1797 d: 1848
.................................... +Furcy VERRET b: November 15, 1785 d: March 06, 1862 in New Orleans, LA m: April 04, 1815 Father: Jacques Verret Mother: Marie Elizabeth DuVerge
........................................ 6 Elmire VERRET b: July 12, 1816 d: July 01, 1898
............................................ +Martial LEBEUF II b: 1805 d: 1871 in Bordeaux, France m: January 26, 1831 Father: Martial LeBeuf Mother: Fervina Louise Verret
........................................ 6 Louise VERRET b: December 12, 1817
............................................ +Alfred ROBELOT b: 1814 d: 1865 Father: Nicolas Robelot Mother: Helene Henriette Bienvenu
........................................ 6 Elodie Angele VERRET b: December 12, 1822 d: September 25, 1898
............................................ +Louis Leon BERNARD b: March 02, 1818 d: September 25, 1898 m: February 18, 1843 Father: Elysee Leon Bernard Mother: Edesie Tricou
................................ 5 Louise Henriette OLIVIER-DEVEZIN b: October 24, 1799
.................................... +Pierre Isidor REAUD b: August 15, 1784 in Orleans Parish, LA d: February 18, 1856 in New Orleans, LA Father: Alexandre Mathurin Reaud Mother: Emilie Theodore Ducros
........................................ 6 Odile REAUD d: 1845
............................................ +Marshall VERRET b: 1812 d: April 03, 1888 m: 1828 Father: Edouard Verret Mother: Marie Cesaire Dreaux
........................................ 6 [3] Josephine Ezilda REAUD b: February 06, 1822
............................................ +[4] Jules DE REGGIO Father: Augustin De Reggio Mother: Helene Anastasie Olivier-DeVezin
........................................ 6 Charles Alfred REAUD b: September 22, 1823
........................................ 6 P-Omer REAUD b: Abt. 1824
............................................ +Felice SARPY m: Bet. 1844 - 1852
........................................ 6 Victor Edgar REAUD b: June 21, 1825 in LA d: June 18, 1897 in New Orleans, LA
............................................ +Elmina Louise MARIN b: 1829 in LA d: July 13, 1882 in New Orleans, LA m: October 07, 1847 in St. Bernard Church, LA Father: Pedro Antonio Evaristo Marin Mother: Charlotte Constance Fagot-DeLaGarcienere
........................................ 6 Female REAUD b: Bet. 1830 - 1835
................................ 5 Charles Godfroi OLIVIER-DEVEZIN b: August 03, 1803 d: 1835
.................................... +Evelina DUVERGE b: 1807 d: 1884 Father: Barthelemi DuVerge Mother: Alix Bienvenu
........................................ 6 Barthelemi Arthur OLIVIER-DEVEZIN
............................................ +Marie Wilhelmina DE REGGIO Father: Jacques Auguste Charles De Reggio Mother: Mathilde Olivier-DeVezin
........................................ 6 Nicolas Gustave OLIVIER-DEVEZIN
........................................ 6 D'Erneville OLIVIER-DEVEZIN
........................................ 6 Edgar OLIVIER-DEVEZIN
........................................ 6 Unknown OLIVIER-DEVEZIN
................................ 5 Eulalie OLIVIER-DEVEZIN b: April 01, 1806
.................................... +Charles John WOGAN
................................ 5 Victor Bienvenu OLIVIER-DEVEZIN b: March 10, 1808
.................................... +Pauline Couzat REYNAUD Father: Louis Reynaud Mother: Constance De Couzat
........................................ 6 Leonce Nicholas OLIVIER-DEVEZIN
............................................ +Elmina Rose REAUD b: April 30, 1855 d: March 28, 1906 in New Orleans, LA m: July 02, 1879 in Orleans Parish, LA Father: Victor Edgar Reaud Mother: Elmina Louise Marin
........................................ 6 Valentine OLIVIER-DEVEZIN
............................................ +WH VREDENBURGH
........................................ 6 Victor OLIVIER-DEVEZIN
............................................ +Louie Marie HEBRARD
........................................ 6 Emma OLIVIER-DEVEZIN b: 1846
............................................ +Albert N. ROBELOT Father: Oscar Robelot Mother: Helena DuVerge
................................ 5 Cesaire OLIVIER-DEVEZIN b: September 13, 1810
.................................... +Henrietta LAVERGNE
....................... 4 Francoise Victoria OLIVIER-DEVEZIN b: December 14, 1758 d: June 23, 1820 in Ursuline Convent, New Orleans, LA
....................... 4 Louise Judith OLIVIER-DEVEZIN b: February 06, 1761
........................... +Louis Charles DE REGGIO b: November 29, 1759 m: October 26, 1789 Father: Francois Marie Chevalier De Reggio Mother: Heleine Fleurieau
................................ 5 Louis Charles Augustin DE REGGIO b: August 30, 1790 d: July 30, 1799
................................ 5 [5] Augustin DE REGGIO b: 1791 d: Abt. 1834
.................................... +[6] Helene Anastasie OLIVIER-DEVEZIN b: December 24, 1790 d: June 14, 1871 m: 1815 Father: Nicolas Joseph Godfroi Olivier-DeVezin Mother: Marie Anne Bienvenu
........................................ 6 [4] Jules DE REGGIO
............................................ +[3] Josephine Ezilda REAUD b: February 06, 1822 Father: Pierre Isidor Reaud Mother: Louise Henriette Olivier-DeVezin
........................................ 6 [7] Marianne Adelaide DE REGGIO b: July 27, 1816 in St. Bernard d: 1891
............................................ +[8] Augustin Frejus TOUTANT-BEAUREGARD b: August 08, 1815 d: 1881 m: 1834 Father: Jacques Elie Toutant-Beauregard Mother: Marie Judith Helene Antonio De Reggio
........................................ 6 [9] Louis Octave DE REGGIO b: March 1821
............................................ +[10] Victoria Antonia DUCROS Father: Louis Alfred Ducros Mother: Micaela Josephine deArmas
................................ 5 Louis Antone Josephe DE REGGIO b: March 14, 1792
................................ 5 Marie Judith Helene Antonio DE REGGIO b: September 12, 1793 d: October 05, 1848
.................................... +Jacques Elie TOUTANT-BEAUREGARD b: February 09, 1789 d: October 19, 1853 m: February 09, 1789 Father: Michel Louis Toutant-Beauregard Mother: Marie Victoire Ducros
........................................ 6 Francois Jacques TOUTANT-BEAUREGARD b: March 29, 1812
........................................ 6 [8] Augustin Frejus TOUTANT-BEAUREGARD b: August 08, 1815 d: 1881
............................................ +[7] Marianne Adelaide DE REGGIO b: July 27, 1816 in St. Bernard d: 1891 m: 1834 Father: Augustin De Reggio Mother: Helene Anastasie Olivier-DeVezin
........................................ 6 Judith Francoise TOUTANT-BEAUREGARD b: Bet. 1816 - 1817
............................................ +Emile LEGENDRE
........................................ 6 Pierre Gustave TOUTANT-BEAUREGARD b: May 28, 1818 d: February 20, 1893
............................................ +Caroline DESLONDES
........................................ *2nd Wife of Pierre Gustave TOUTANT-BEAUREGARD:
............................................ +Marie Antoinette Laura VILLERE b: March 22, 1823 d: March 21, 1850 m: September 18, 1841 Father: Jules Villere Mother: Marie Perle Olivier-DeVezin
........................................ 6 Elodie TOUTANT-BEAUREGARD b: December 18, 1823 d: 1889
............................................ +Stephen Richard PROCTOR II
........................................ 6 Pierre-Alfred TOUTANT-BEAUREGARD b: December 08, 1825 d: September 04, 1853
............................................ +Marie Elmina DEBLANC m: April 20, 1850 Father: Charles DeBlanc Mother: Charlotte Coralie Reggio
........................................ 6 Pierre-Nicolas Armand TOUTANT-BEAUREGARD b: February 15, 1827 d: May 21, 1881
............................................ +Alice CHAPMAN b: 1842 d: 1874 m: 1868
........................................ 6 Angela Emilie TOUTANT-BEAUREGARD b: January 16, 1831 d: August 21, 1858
............................................ +[11] Pierre Clement Mortimer BELLY m: April 29, 1857 Father: Jean Belly Mother: Estelle Adelaide Allard
................................ 5 Similien Charles Marie DE REGGIO b: January 12, 1795
................................ 5 Pierre Felix DE REGGIO b: September 15, 1796
................................ 5 Pierre Louis Evariste DE REGGIO b: September 17, 1803
Des registres espagnols de 1769, mentionnent plusieurs de nos ancêtres à la Louisiane lors de la période de la Cabildo :
Voici quelques portraits en rapport avec ces familles :
Concernant François-Marie de Reggio, je trouve un texte dont je mets en doute, dans l'immédiat le contenu. Il s'agit du texte suivant réuni par (From material compiled by) Mme. Edwin A. (Jo C.) Smith, Jr. of Baton Rouge, Louisiana :
"Francois Marie de Reggio was of the family of the Dukes of Reggio and
Modena, of the ancient Italian noble house of d'Este. He descended from
a line that went to France under the patronage of Louis XIV. Francois
was a cousin of the Marquis de Vaudreuil, the 7th Provincial Governor of
Louisiana. He had served in Europe under the Cardinal, Duc de
Richelieu, who recommended him for a high place in Louisiana. He was
Commandant of the Arkansas Post in 1753-54. He became a member of the
Spanish Cabildo. In 1783 he was Judge of New Orleans. In the third
generation from Francois, he was the ancestor of General Pierre Gustave
Toutant-Geauregard of the Confederacy." ( Archdiocese of New Orleans Sacramental Records, Volume 4, 1784-1790, page 93:Francisco Maria de Reggio, 55 yr. regidor, alferez real of this government, i. Oct. 7, 1787 (SLC, F2, 12
Pierre-Francois Olivier de Vezin (1707-1776) fait l'objet d'une biographie in Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online. Le texte est le suivant :
"OLIVIER DE VÉZIN (Vésin, Vézain), PIERRE-FRANÇOIS, ironmaster, director of the Saint-Maurice ironworks, and chief road officer in Louisiana; b. 28 April 1707 at Aingoulaincourt (dept of Haute-Marne), France, son of Hugues Olivier and Louise Le Roux; d. in or after 1776.
Pierre-François Olivier de Vézin was an ironmaster at Sionne (dept of Vosges), France, at the time he was hired by the king to investigate the Saint-Maurice ironworks in New France. These ironworks had virtually been abandoned after the death of their first owner, François Poulin* de Francheville, in 1733. With an annual salary of 2,400 livres and a special gratuity of 1,200 livres, Olivier de Vézin sailed on the Héros and reached Quebec on 3 Sept. 1735. After a five-week tour with Jean-Eustache Lanoullier* de Boisclerc to Batiscan, Champlain, and finally Saint-Maurice, he drew up a report to Maurepas, the minister of Marine, which included an assessment of the favourable and disadvantageous aspects of Poulin de Francheville’s establishment, and he appended a “draft of the expenses to be incurred to set up and run the ironworks in Canada” [see François-Étienne Cugnet*]. He offered to oversee the undertaking himself, quite forgetting his ironworks at Sionne.
Vézin and two of Poulin de Francheville’s former partners, Cugnet and Ignace GAMELIN, drew up a plan for a partnership. In the spring of 1736 they received backing from the king, who agreed to Vézin’s proposal and consented to advance substantial capital. When the company was formed on 16 Oct. 1736, it also included Thomas-Jacques Taschereau*, the agent of the treasurers general of the Marine, and Jacques Simonet* d’Abergemont, an ironmaster sent from France some months earlier to help Vézin set up the ironworks. They all signed the official instrument establishing the “Société et Compagnie pour l’ Exploitation des . . . mines de fer” on 11 Feb. 1737, but preparatory work had already been undertaken in 1736 under Vézin’s enthusiastic direction. He enjoyed the confidence of colonial officials and had the benefit of royal bounties. However the works did not progress as quickly as he had promised and were costly. Intendant HOCQUART began to question the ironmaster’s competence. Vézin had in fact been guilty of a technical error in overestimating the flow of the stream that was to run the ironworks, and he tried to conceal his error when the intendant came to visit the installations in July 1738. Not until August was the furnace first lit successfully.
Vézin went to France late in 1739 and returned the following year with his brother, the Sieur Darmeville, and several workmen. Simonet d’Abergemont had replaced him during his absence. Violent disputes now occurred between Olivier de Vézin and his partners who blamed him for spending too much money, for the workmen’s bad behaviour, and for the ironworks’ unprofitability. These difficulties became so serious that in 1741 bankruptcy became inevitable for the undertaking. Olivier de Vézin submitted his resignation on 13 October and immediately returned to France on the Rubis to plead his cause. Writing to the king on 13 March 1742, he offered to resume management of the Saint-Maurice ironworks. Instead, he was commissioned chief road officer in Louisiana the following year.
The reports drawn up by the interested parties after the bankruptcy of the ironworks all blame Olivier de Vézin. When he had been chosen to go to New France, Maurepas had stated that his qualities as an ironmaster were well known, but they were in fact frequently questioned by his partners. It is undeniable that there were other causes for the bankruptcy; the difficulty in finding really competent skilled workers and the workers’ lack of discipline are two of the factors that prevent our blaming Vézin alone. Subsequent managements achieved only modest results which indicate that Olivier de Vézin’s management was not the sole reason for the poor performance of the ironworks.
However that may be, in 1744 Olivier de Vézin was in Louisiana. His new duties as chief road officer did not satisfy him completely; he soon made clear his desire to undertake the exploitation of iron mines in Louisiana, but the project was stillborn. He continued to carry out the duties of chief road officer and of surveyor general for Louisiana, and in 1749 he was back in Trois-Rivières, where on 14 June he married Marie-Joseph, the daughter of Jean-Baptiste Gastineau* Duplessis. Vézin had obviously not forgotten his earlier ties with America: in his marriage certificate he indicated that he was “the first person sent by the king to this country to set up there the ironworks and furnace of Saint-Maurice, of which he was the first director.” Vézin returned to Louisiana with his young wife, and on 4 July 1754 he received permission to sail for France on the Rhinocéros to try to persuade the king to exonerate him from responsibility in the bankruptcy of the Saint-Maurice ironworks, in which he had “lost his time, his emoluments, his youth, and his salary.” He wanted the assurance of being freed of all debt.
Olivier de Vézin remained in Louisiana even after the colony was transferred to Spain in 1762. After a score of years in that colony, where he held important administrative posts, he must have acquired a certain renown as well as gratifying material rewards. He became a member of the Cabildo, the council of six members that replaced the Conseil Supérieur of the former French colony, when it was created in 1769, and served as regidor perpetual (councillor) and alcalde mayor provincial (chief provincial justice of the peace). In 1776 he resigned his positions in favour of one of his sons, Charles-Honoré Olivier de Saint-Maurice. This is the last piece of information we have on Pierre Olivier de Vézin. According to some sources he is supposed to have died while on a voyage in France.
His wife must have died some years before him. During the 1760s two sons, Pierre-Darmeville and Nicolas-Joseph-Godefroy, lived for a time at Trois-Rivières with their aunt, Madeleine Duplessis. On her death in 1768 she left a legacy to them and other children of Olivier de Vézin. In January 1770 Vézin was chosen guardian of those of his children who had remained in Canada. That year he went to Trois-Rivières for the last time; he was present at the marriage of his friend Michel-Eustache-Gaspard-Alain Chartier* de Lotbinière. In 1772 and 1773 Jacques PERRAULT, known as Perrault l’aîné, took care on his behalf of the sale of property left by Madeleine Duplessis. From that time on the Olivier family was firmly established in Louisiana. Nicolas-Joseph-Godefroy purchased a huge sugar-cane plantation at St Bernard, not far from New Orleans, and several of his descendants were prominent in the area."
M.-F. FORTIER AD, Haute-Marne (Chaumont), État civil, Aingoulaincourt, 29 avril 1707. AN, Col., B, 62, p.56; 63/1, pp.237–39; C11A, 63, pp.45, 58; 65, pp.154–57; 72, p.29; 76, pp.68–69; 100, pp.207–10; 110; 111; 112; C13A, 38, pp.8–11; 42, pp.81–82; C13C, 4, pp.238–39 (PAC transcripts). ANQ-MBF, État civil, Catholiques, Immaculée-Conception (Trois-Rivières), 14 juin 1749, 13 déc. 1770; Greffe de Paul Dielle, 4, 28 nov. 1768, 3 avril 1772, 6 mars 1773; Greffe de C.-L. Maillet, 3 avril, 5 nov. 1772, 6 mars 1733; Greffe de H.-O. Pressé, 28 sept. 1737. Archives maritimes, Port de Rochefort (France), 1E, 122, f.334; S, 162, liasse 131, pièce 225. New Orleans Public Library, Dept. of Archives, Cabildo, 1769–1803, I, pp.3, 139–43, 242.
J.-N. Fauteux, Essai sur l’industrie, I, 55–124. Jouve, Les franciscains et le Canada: aux Trois-Rivières. J. S. Kendall, History of New Orleans (3v., New York and Chicago, 1922), III, 1069–70. E. E. Long, Madame Olivier’s mansion (New Orleans, 1965), 11–18. Sulte, Mélanges historiques (Malchelosse), VI. Tessier, Les forges Saint-Maurice.
Son père était René Olivier? Voici, sa descendance, selon des généalogistes américains :
...... 2 Hughes OLIVIER-DEVEZIN
.......... +Louise LeRoux DE DINJOLINCOUR d: 1747
............... 3 Pierre Francois OLIVIER b: 1716 in Nancy, France d: April 20, 1776 in New Orleans, LA
................... +Marie Josephine Gatineau DUPLESSIS b: September 04, 1720 in Montreal d: December 07, 1772 in New Orleans, LA m: June 14, 1749 in Trois Rivieres, Canada Father: Jean-Baptiste Gatineau Duplessis Mother: Marie-Charlotte LeBoulanger
....................... 4 Hughes Charles Honore OLIVIER-DEVEZIN b: 1748 in St. Maurice, Trois Rivieres, Canada d: April 24, 1815 in Plantation in Teche Country
........................... +Marie Madeleine Phillipe Marigny DE MANDEVILLE Father: Antoine Pierre Phillipe de Marigny Mother: Francoise de Lisle Dupart
................................ 5 Pierre Louis Du Closel OLIVIER-DEVEZIN
.................................... +Marie Joseph LATIOLAIS Father: Joseph Latiolais Mother: Francoise Nezat
................................ *2nd Wife of Pierre Louis Du Closel OLIVIER-DEVEZIN:
.................................... +Jeanne Aspasie Devince BIENVENU b: November 20, 1783 d: November 28, 1819 m: March 02, 1802 Father: Alexandre DeVince Bienvenu Mother: Felicite Louise Henriette DeLatil
................................ 5 Adelaide OLIVIER-DEVEZIN
.................................... +Louis Marie Cesaire DEBLANC b: September 17, 1779 Father: Louis Charles DeBlanc Mother: Elizabeth Pouponne D'Erneville
................................ 5 Charles Bathelemy OLIVIER-DEVEZIN b: Bet. 1777 - 1778
.................................... +Wilhelmina PERRAULT
................................ *2nd Wife of Charles Bathelemy OLIVIER-DEVEZIN:
.................................... +Celeste Mathilde DEBLANC b: 1783 d: September 10, 1811 m: March 1798 in St. Martinville Father: Louis Charles DeBlanc Mother: Elizabeth Pouponne D'Erneville
........................................ 6 Marie Elina OLIVIER-DEVEZIN d: April 13, 1896
............................................ +Marcel Joseph DUCROS b: October 30, 1800 d: May 09, 1883 Father: Rudolphe Joseph Ducros Mother: Marie Lucie De Reggio
....................... 4 Charlotte Constance OLIVIER-DEVEZIN b: 1750 in New Orleans, LA d: August 11, 1801 in New Orleans, LA
........................... +Daniel FAGOT-DELAGARCIENERE b: 1731 in Voiron in Dauphine, Diocese of Grenoble d: April 07, 1776 in St. Bernard Parish, LA m: August 04, 1766 in New Orleans, LA Father: Francois Fagot Mother: Francoise LeMoine
................................ 5 Pierre Francois FAGOT-DELAGARCIENERE b: August 10, 1767
................................ 5 Charles Daniel FAGOT-DELAGARCIENERE b: May 27, 1769 in New Orleans, LA
.................................... +Adelaide BERARD b: December 11, 1770 in Attakapas d: January 13, 1807 in St. Martinville, LA m: September 06, 1792 in St. Martinville, LA Father: Jean Baptiste Berard Mother: Anne Henriette Broussard
........................................ 6 Aglae FAGOT-DELAGARCIENERE
............................................ +M RAPP
........................................ 6 Rosemon FAGOT-DELAGARCIENERE
............................................ +Elizabeth ALPUENTE
........................................ 6 Twelve FAGOT-DELAGARCIENERE
........................................ 6 Charles FAGOT-DELAGARCIENERE b: August 30, 1793 in Attakapas at Isle des Cypres d: August 13, 1872 in New Iberia, LA
............................................ +Charlotte Virginie BIENVENU Father: Alexandre DeVince Bienvenue II Mother: Charlotte Uranie de la Barre
........................................ 6 Gofrido FAGOT-DELAGARCIENERE b: September 12, 1796
........................................ 6 Charlotte Constance FAGOT-DELAGARCIENERE b: April 04, 1802 in Attakapas region, LA d: 1836
............................................ +Pedro Antonio Evaristo MARIN b: October 26, 1800 in New Orleans, LA d: May 11, 1850 in France m: May 27, 1824 in St. Bernard Church, LA Father: Pedro Marin-DeArgote Mother: Pelagie Petrone Sophie De Reggio
........................................ 6 Louise Azema FAGOT-DELAGARCIENIERE b: Abt. 1804
............................................ +Alexandre Mathurin REAUD b: Bet. 1730 - 1750 in Bordeaux, France m: Aft. 1786 Father: Jean Baptiste Reaud Mother: Isabella Cleon
........................................ 6 Daniel FAGOT-DELAGARCIENERE b: October 22, 1805
................................ *2nd Wife of Charles Daniel FAGOT-DELAGARCIENERE:
.................................... +Maria Rosa LAURENT m: March 19, 1808
................................ *3rd Wife of Charles Daniel FAGOT-DELAGARCIENERE:
.................................... +Norma CUVILLIER m: 1809
........................................ 6 12 FAGOT-DELAGARCIENERE
........................................ 6 Anatole FAGOT-DELAGARCIENERE
........................................ 6 Derneville FAGOT-DELAGARCIENERE
........................................ 6 Ernest FAGOT-DELAGARCIENERE
........................................ 6 Rosine FAGOT-DELAGARCIENERE
............................................ +Charles SEUZENEAU
........................................ 6 Theodule FAGOT-DELAGARCIENERE
............................................ +Annette Marin du Gardin de ST. ALEXANDRE
........................................ 6 Auguste FAGOT-DELAGARCIENERE b: January 12, 1809
............................................ +Severine CAZZEAU
........................................ 6 Marie Victoire FAGOT-DELAGARCIENERE b: January 17, 1811
................................ 5 Pierre Vincent FAGOT-DELAGARCIENERE b: May 02, 1771
................................ 5 Marie Louise Constance FAGOT-DELAGARCIENERE b: October 02, 1774
....................... *2nd Husband of Charlotte Constance OLIVIER-DEVEZIN:
........................... +Charles Antoine DE REGGIO b: 1754 d: May 29, 1811 m: December 02, 1782 Father: Francois Marie Chevalier De Reggio Mother: Heleine Fleurieau
................................ 5 Louis Joseph Nicolas DE REGGIO b: February 04 in New Orleans, LA d: May 17, 1833
.................................... +Charlotte Constance Helene JORDA d: May 22, 1833
........................................ 6 [2] Jacques Auguste Charles DE REGGIO b: April 27, 1815 d: 1889
............................................ +[1] Mathilde OLIVIER-DEVEZIN b: Abt. 1820 Father: Charles Napoleon Olivier-DeVezin Mother: Mina Peyroux
........................................ 6 Charles Octave DE REGGIO b: September 27, 1826
............................................ +Cora VILLERE
................................ 5 Pierre Charles DE REGGIO b: August 21, 1783 in New Orleans, LA d: August 20, 1826
................................ 5 Marie Angela Constance DE REGGIO b: January 13, 1784
................................ 5 Rudolphe Euzebe DE REGGIO b: July 05, 1785
................................ 5 Joseph Marie Amedee DE REGGIO b: August 03, 1787 d: July 15, 1830
................................ 5 Marie-Charlotte Antonia DE REGGIO b: January 17, 1789
.................................... +Jean Pierre POUTZ m: September 04, 1810
................................ 5 Auguste Patrick David DE REGGIO b: Abt. 1792 d: July 30, 1811 in @ 19
....................... 4 Charles Frederic OLIVIER-DEVEZIN b: September 06, 1752
........................... +Maria Francisca La Mollere D'ORVILLE m: February 14, 1777
................................ 5 Carlos Francisco OLIVIER-DEVEZIN b: March 16, 1778
................................ 5 Maria Francisca Constancia OLIVIER-DEVEZIN b: November 19, 1779
................................ 5 Maria Carlota Constancia OLIVIER-DEVEZIN b: June 26, 1781
....................... 4 Pierre Louis OLIVIER-DEVEZIN b: October 18, 1753 in New Orleans, LA d: May 09, 1805
....................... 4 Avicent Adelaide OLIVIER-DEVEZIN b: February 20, 1755
........................... +Etienne de la Lande DALCOUR II m: September 15, 1770 Father: Etienne de la Lande d'Alcour Mother: Marie Joseph Trudeau
................................ 5 Amoinette Marie de la Lande DALCOUR
.................................... +Edouard Marie DUCROS b: March 28, 1787 in New Orleans, LA d: May 24, 1833 m: June 12, 1806 Father: Rudolphe Joseph Ducros Mother: Marie Lucie De Reggio
........................................ 6 Ameinette Marguerite DUCROS b: March 23, 1807
........................................ 6 Elise Adelaide Lucie DUCROS b: May 01, 1808
............................................ +John WATKINS m: December 20, 1830
........................................ 6 Adelaide Antonia DUCROS b: August 31, 1815 in St. Bernard Parish, LA
............................................ +Edmond WILTZ
........................................ 6 Charlotte Marie Sophie DUCROS b: January 02, 1818
............................................ +Gabriel Antoine Jules DOSSAT m: April 03, 1837
....................... 4 Nicolas Joseph Godfroi OLIVIER-DEVEZIN b: May 27, 1757 in New Orleans, LA d: July 18, 1815
........................... +Eulalia TOUTANT-BEAUREGARD b: May 11, 1761 m: December 03, 1782 Father: Jacques Toutant-Beauregard Mother: Marie Magdalene Cartier
................................ 5 Charles Napoleon OLIVIER-DEVEZIN b: December 09, 1782
.................................... +Mina PEYROUX
........................................ 6 [1] Mathilde OLIVIER-DEVEZIN b: Abt. 1820
............................................ +[2] Jacques Auguste Charles DE REGGIO b: April 27, 1815 d: 1889 Father: Louis Joseph Nicolas De Reggio Mother: Charlotte Constance Helene Jorda
................................ *2nd Wife of Charles Napoleon OLIVIER-DEVEZIN:
.................................... +Felicia CRETIEN
........................................ 6 Amelia OLIVIER-DEVEZIN
............................................ +[11] Pierre Clement Mortimer BELLY Father: Jean Belly Mother: Estelle Adelaide Allard
................................ 5 Marie Henriette OLIVIER-DEVEZIN b: July 06, 1784
................................ 5 Vincent OLIVIER-DEVEZIN b: July 03, 1786
....................... *2nd Wife of Nicolas Joseph Godfroi OLIVIER-DEVEZIN:
........................... +Marie Anne BIENVENU b: August 29, 1772 d: February 02, 1843 m: 1789 Father: Jean Baptiste Bienvenu Mother: Helene Angilique de Bellet
................................ 5 [6] Helene Anastasie OLIVIER-DEVEZIN b: December 24, 1790 d: June 14, 1871
.................................... +[5] Augustin DE REGGIO b: 1791 d: Abt. 1834 m: 1815 Father: Louis Charles De Reggio Mother: Louise Judith Olivier-DeVezin
........................................ 6 [4] Jules DE REGGIO
............................................ +[3] Josephine Ezilda REAUD b: February 06, 1822 Father: Pierre Isidor Reaud Mother: Louise Henriette Olivier-DeVezin
........................................ 6 [7] Marianne Adelaide DE REGGIO b: July 27, 1816 in St. Bernard d: 1891
............................................ +[8] Augustin Frejus TOUTANT-BEAUREGARD b: August 08, 1815 d: 1881 m: 1834 Father: Jacques Elie Toutant-Beauregard Mother: Marie Judith Helene Antonio De Reggio
........................................ 6 [9] Louis Octave DE REGGIO b: March 1821
............................................ +[10] Victoria Antonia DUCROS Father: Louis Alfred Ducros Mother: Micaela Josephine deArmas
................................ 5 Eulalie OLIVIER-DEVEZIN b: June 08, 1793 d: March 05, 1802
................................ 5 Jean Baptiste OLIVIER-DEVEZIN b: June 22, 1795 d: 1869
.................................... +Alix DUVERGE b: 1803 d: 1880 Father: Barthelemi DuVerge Mother: Alix Bienvenu
................................ 5 Elmire OLIVIER-DEVEZIN b: September 24, 1797 d: 1848
.................................... +Furcy VERRET b: November 15, 1785 d: March 06, 1862 in New Orleans, LA m: April 04, 1815 Father: Jacques Verret Mother: Marie Elizabeth DuVerge
........................................ 6 Elmire VERRET b: July 12, 1816 d: July 01, 1898
............................................ +Martial LEBEUF II b: 1805 d: 1871 in Bordeaux, France m: January 26, 1831 Father: Martial LeBeuf Mother: Fervina Louise Verret
........................................ 6 Louise VERRET b: December 12, 1817
............................................ +Alfred ROBELOT b: 1814 d: 1865 Father: Nicolas Robelot Mother: Helene Henriette Bienvenu
........................................ 6 Elodie Angele VERRET b: December 12, 1822 d: September 25, 1898
............................................ +Louis Leon BERNARD b: March 02, 1818 d: September 25, 1898 m: February 18, 1843 Father: Elysee Leon Bernard Mother: Edesie Tricou
................................ 5 Louise Henriette OLIVIER-DEVEZIN b: October 24, 1799
.................................... +Pierre Isidor REAUD b: August 15, 1784 in Orleans Parish, LA d: February 18, 1856 in New Orleans, LA Father: Alexandre Mathurin Reaud Mother: Emilie Theodore Ducros
........................................ 6 Odile REAUD d: 1845
............................................ +Marshall VERRET b: 1812 d: April 03, 1888 m: 1828 Father: Edouard Verret Mother: Marie Cesaire Dreaux
........................................ 6 [3] Josephine Ezilda REAUD b: February 06, 1822
............................................ +[4] Jules DE REGGIO Father: Augustin De Reggio Mother: Helene Anastasie Olivier-DeVezin
........................................ 6 Charles Alfred REAUD b: September 22, 1823
........................................ 6 P-Omer REAUD b: Abt. 1824
............................................ +Felice SARPY m: Bet. 1844 - 1852
........................................ 6 Victor Edgar REAUD b: June 21, 1825 in LA d: June 18, 1897 in New Orleans, LA
............................................ +Elmina Louise MARIN b: 1829 in LA d: July 13, 1882 in New Orleans, LA m: October 07, 1847 in St. Bernard Church, LA Father: Pedro Antonio Evaristo Marin Mother: Charlotte Constance Fagot-DeLaGarcienere
........................................ 6 Female REAUD b: Bet. 1830 - 1835
................................ 5 Charles Godfroi OLIVIER-DEVEZIN b: August 03, 1803 d: 1835
.................................... +Evelina DUVERGE b: 1807 d: 1884 Father: Barthelemi DuVerge Mother: Alix Bienvenu
........................................ 6 Barthelemi Arthur OLIVIER-DEVEZIN
............................................ +Marie Wilhelmina DE REGGIO Father: Jacques Auguste Charles De Reggio Mother: Mathilde Olivier-DeVezin
........................................ 6 Nicolas Gustave OLIVIER-DEVEZIN
........................................ 6 D'Erneville OLIVIER-DEVEZIN
........................................ 6 Edgar OLIVIER-DEVEZIN
........................................ 6 Unknown OLIVIER-DEVEZIN
................................ 5 Eulalie OLIVIER-DEVEZIN b: April 01, 1806
.................................... +Charles John WOGAN
................................ 5 Victor Bienvenu OLIVIER-DEVEZIN b: March 10, 1808
.................................... +Pauline Couzat REYNAUD Father: Louis Reynaud Mother: Constance De Couzat
........................................ 6 Leonce Nicholas OLIVIER-DEVEZIN
............................................ +Elmina Rose REAUD b: April 30, 1855 d: March 28, 1906 in New Orleans, LA m: July 02, 1879 in Orleans Parish, LA Father: Victor Edgar Reaud Mother: Elmina Louise Marin
........................................ 6 Valentine OLIVIER-DEVEZIN
............................................ +WH VREDENBURGH
........................................ 6 Victor OLIVIER-DEVEZIN
............................................ +Louie Marie HEBRARD
........................................ 6 Emma OLIVIER-DEVEZIN b: 1846
............................................ +Albert N. ROBELOT Father: Oscar Robelot Mother: Helena DuVerge
................................ 5 Cesaire OLIVIER-DEVEZIN b: September 13, 1810
.................................... +Henrietta LAVERGNE
....................... 4 Francoise Victoria OLIVIER-DEVEZIN b: December 14, 1758 d: June 23, 1820 in Ursuline Convent, New Orleans, LA
....................... 4 Louise Judith OLIVIER-DEVEZIN b: February 06, 1761
........................... +Louis Charles DE REGGIO b: November 29, 1759 m: October 26, 1789 Father: Francois Marie Chevalier De Reggio Mother: Heleine Fleurieau
................................ 5 Louis Charles Augustin DE REGGIO b: August 30, 1790 d: July 30, 1799
................................ 5 [5] Augustin DE REGGIO b: 1791 d: Abt. 1834
.................................... +[6] Helene Anastasie OLIVIER-DEVEZIN b: December 24, 1790 d: June 14, 1871 m: 1815 Father: Nicolas Joseph Godfroi Olivier-DeVezin Mother: Marie Anne Bienvenu
........................................ 6 [4] Jules DE REGGIO
............................................ +[3] Josephine Ezilda REAUD b: February 06, 1822 Father: Pierre Isidor Reaud Mother: Louise Henriette Olivier-DeVezin
........................................ 6 [7] Marianne Adelaide DE REGGIO b: July 27, 1816 in St. Bernard d: 1891
............................................ +[8] Augustin Frejus TOUTANT-BEAUREGARD b: August 08, 1815 d: 1881 m: 1834 Father: Jacques Elie Toutant-Beauregard Mother: Marie Judith Helene Antonio De Reggio
........................................ 6 [9] Louis Octave DE REGGIO b: March 1821
............................................ +[10] Victoria Antonia DUCROS Father: Louis Alfred Ducros Mother: Micaela Josephine deArmas
................................ 5 Louis Antone Josephe DE REGGIO b: March 14, 1792
................................ 5 Marie Judith Helene Antonio DE REGGIO b: September 12, 1793 d: October 05, 1848
.................................... +Jacques Elie TOUTANT-BEAUREGARD b: February 09, 1789 d: October 19, 1853 m: February 09, 1789 Father: Michel Louis Toutant-Beauregard Mother: Marie Victoire Ducros
........................................ 6 Francois Jacques TOUTANT-BEAUREGARD b: March 29, 1812
........................................ 6 [8] Augustin Frejus TOUTANT-BEAUREGARD b: August 08, 1815 d: 1881
............................................ +[7] Marianne Adelaide DE REGGIO b: July 27, 1816 in St. Bernard d: 1891 m: 1834 Father: Augustin De Reggio Mother: Helene Anastasie Olivier-DeVezin
........................................ 6 Judith Francoise TOUTANT-BEAUREGARD b: Bet. 1816 - 1817
............................................ +Emile LEGENDRE
........................................ 6 Pierre Gustave TOUTANT-BEAUREGARD b: May 28, 1818 d: February 20, 1893
............................................ +Caroline DESLONDES
........................................ *2nd Wife of Pierre Gustave TOUTANT-BEAUREGARD:
............................................ +Marie Antoinette Laura VILLERE b: March 22, 1823 d: March 21, 1850 m: September 18, 1841 Father: Jules Villere Mother: Marie Perle Olivier-DeVezin
........................................ 6 Elodie TOUTANT-BEAUREGARD b: December 18, 1823 d: 1889
............................................ +Stephen Richard PROCTOR II
........................................ 6 Pierre-Alfred TOUTANT-BEAUREGARD b: December 08, 1825 d: September 04, 1853
............................................ +Marie Elmina DEBLANC m: April 20, 1850 Father: Charles DeBlanc Mother: Charlotte Coralie Reggio
........................................ 6 Pierre-Nicolas Armand TOUTANT-BEAUREGARD b: February 15, 1827 d: May 21, 1881
............................................ +Alice CHAPMAN b: 1842 d: 1874 m: 1868
........................................ 6 Angela Emilie TOUTANT-BEAUREGARD b: January 16, 1831 d: August 21, 1858
............................................ +[11] Pierre Clement Mortimer BELLY m: April 29, 1857 Father: Jean Belly Mother: Estelle Adelaide Allard
................................ 5 Similien Charles Marie DE REGGIO b: January 12, 1795
................................ 5 Pierre Felix DE REGGIO b: September 15, 1796
................................ 5 Pierre Louis Evariste DE REGGIO b: September 17, 1803
Des registres espagnols de 1769, mentionnent plusieurs de nos ancêtres à la Louisiane lors de la période de la Cabildo :
Officials--Governors--Don Alejandro O'Reilly | 1 | 1 | 8/18/1769 | Arrives aboard the Spanish Frigate "Solante" to take formal possession of the Colony as its Governor and Captain General. Religious and military ceremonies attendant upon this occasion are described. Provisional Governor, Don Carlos Felipe Aubri, delivers the keys of the city to O'Reilly. | |
Cabildo--Establishment and Administrative Functions | 1 | 3 | 12/1/1769 | Governor: O'Reilly, Royal Ensign: De Reggio, Sr. - At this time Don Alejandro O'Reilly called a meeting at his residence and appointed six commissioners and a secretary to form a Cabildo or Municipal Government. (See "Commissioners') - Three days later (page 6) the newly appointed commissioners assembled again at the governor's house and elected two Judges, an Attorney General and a City Treasurer. (See "Annual Elections"). | |
Officials--Commissioners--Don Antonio Bienvenue | 1 | 3 | 12/1/1769 | Appointed by O'Reilly as plain Commissioner at the first meeting of the Cabildo. | |
Officials--Commissioners--Don Carlos Juan Bautista Fleurian | 1 | 3 | 12/1/1769 | Appointed by O'Reilly at the first meeting of the Cabildo, as Commissioner and Chief Constable. Receives the usual Royal Confirmation conferring title for life, made saleable in favor of the Royal Treasury in case of death or resignation. (See Page 144.) | |
Officials--Commissioners--Don Francisco Braud | 1 | 3 | 12/1/1769 | Appointed by O'Reilly as Receiver of Fines at a meeting held at this time at O'Reilly's residence. - Received Royal Confirmation from the King confirming title conferred for life and made saleable in favor of the Royal Treasury in case of death or resignation. (In this document the name is Don Dionicio Braud". - See Page 152). | |
Officials--Commissioners--Don Francisco Maria De Reggio | 1 | 3 | 12/1/1769 | Appointed Commissioner and Royal Ensign at the first meeting held by O'Reilly (at his residence) at which time the Cabildo or municipal government was established. - Receives Royal Confirmation confirming title conferred for life and made saleable in favor of the Royal Treasury in case of death or resignation. (See Page 136.) | |
Officials--Commissioners--Don Joseph Ducros | 1 | 3 | 12/1/1769 | Appointed General Finance Commissioner by O'Reilly at a meeting held at this time at O'Reilly's residence. - Received Royal Confirmation from the King confirming title conferred for life and made saleable in favor of the Royal Treasury in case of death or resignation. (See Page 148). | |
Officials--Commissioners--Don Pedro Francisco Olivier De Vezin | 1 | 3 | 12/1/1769 | Appointed at the first meeting held by O'Reilly at which meeting the Cabildo was established. Receives Royal Confirmation confirming title conferred for life and made saleable in favor of the Royal Treasury in case of death or resignation. (see Page 139). |
Voici quelques portraits en rapport avec ces familles :